We visited Gordon today before his surgery. Then at around 3:00 we met his caregivers, Elsie and Marla. They called us to their coffee table in the mall of the hospital. Gordon’s surgery had been postponed because of an emergency case. Gordon was now sleeping.
I began to remember back. To times when medical interventions had been postponed or rescheduled. The sense of anticipation, and then not being able to fulfil the anticipation. As a caregiver, I felt helpless and yet anticipated the next opportunity — which seemed just around the corner. I am convinced more than ever that the emotions can tire us as easily, and often more effectively, than physical exertion.
Imagine a young boy setting up a ramp for a bicycle jump in the driveway. Just as he is riding towards the jump his mother halts him. The ramp is moved so Dad can get in the driveway. Next day he can set up once again. That night he lays awake, tired and disappointed. But also anticipating tomorrow. The question is which emotion is strongest? Which orientation will rule his life?
I guess this is a life question. We all have dashed expectations. That’s why we pay therapists and seek spiritual healing.
What is to come in the day after?
One hint is contained in the understanding that the day after is only a part of this life, and that there is also a continuing life thereafter. A second hint is that there is a loving, eternal, forgiving, all knowing, all powerful God who is for us! Grab God’s hand and although the winds of dashed expectations may lift you off your feet, God’s got you for the long run!