We've been here before!

In 2001 I lived through life . . . and near death.

My wife, Jill, had heart surgery.  The months leading up to this necessitated the sale of our two storey house.  We gained a bungalow which required little stair climbing.  Jill’s activities were restricted. 

The surgery gave us 6 years of good health. 

These past few weeks there are hints.  Hints of shortness of breath, of pressure on the chest, and tiredness. 

Deja vu!  So tonight we sat on our porch.  We talked, some of the same discussions of years past.  With prayers and hopes for increased health.  With reminiscences of past history.  Reaching for the unknown and living in the reality.

I’m more than ever in love with my wife!  I cherish her for every breath she takes, for every hour she brightens and for each day she fills with her presence.  May those days continue for years to come!

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