Privacy reconsidered

I continue to work through the question of “privacy”.

In Canada we have privacy commissioners.  These are public representatives – working in both the public and private sphere.  Anyone who is front facing to the public is exposed to scrutiny.  This encompasses both public events, speeches, hospital visit reports, Facebook postings, etc.  Has private information been leaked to the public without permission – intentionally or unintentionally?  Are privacy protocols in place?  Is there a rebuttal path for those who are offended?

Which addresses the bigger question of reputation and image.  We live in an age of control. 

OR not having control.  In the workplace there may be little overall control of what happens.  Memberships in various organizations means conformity to the standards which control the group.

We want a place where we can do what we want, when we want, with whomever we want.  This is what is often labelled as our private life.  Stigmas of society are not to enter this private place.  We can choose what right-ness we want to follow in this private place.  As a society that jealously guards individual autonomy this is our last bastion of “safety and security”.

That’s the one side.

Until we run up against a society that is based in communal care and concern.  Parameters need to go around how that society works – yes, evil intentions can destroy others as easily in a communal society as in an individualistic society.

But somewhere along the line I’m thinking a little less privacy, and a little more directed care would be helpful.  A lot more compassion for the other and their state of life, and a lot less condemnation would brighten others days.  A lot less of our identity being harboured in our private caves and hideaways, and a lot more finding out final identity in God and what God says of who I am.

Maybe these concerns need to be a part of how we view privacy?

Just some thoughts.

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