Quitter strips

My friend reads books.  His daughter does as well.

My friend uses quitter strips.  His daughter doesn’t!

They both try to finish their books.  The father finishes over time.  The daughter likes to finish right away. 

Is a book worth reading if you can’t read it all in one setting?

There is the question of the hour. 

You see, most of us put a quitter strip in our books.  We most often call them bookmarks. 

But for many of us they are as far as we get.  We become distracted.  We decide the content wasn’t that interesting.  We set the book aside and forget where we put it.

If you read the book all in one sitting, you wouldn’t quit!  You wouldn’t end up paying for a product that wasn’t used fully.  You might even get past that first few pages of  information overload and find the heart of the book is on the last page.

Or, you might read War and Peace and find out that, no matter how much coffee, you fall asleep.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Gerald

    And in all of this, we may somehow understand time constraints and certain commitments that take precedence. I love reading anyway, and at the end of the day it is a relaxing way to just unwind.

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