Last night at one of the senior’s complexes in town, my wife and I led a hymn sing. For many there this is a time of reminiscing in old comfort zones.
The world stands still for many of us. Last night I heard one of the people tell about an event when they were four years old. He told it like it was yesterday. In his mind, it was. He is now in his 80’s.
I’ve heard teens tell stories of when they were eight years old. As if it were yesterday.
So, when we sing hymns memories grow in a room. Pushing out the faded voices and crackling melodies. We join in remembering how the song affected us – personally. My hope is that often that memory will return us to a time when our God awareness was keener. When our obedience was stronger. When our vision of telling others about God was consuming.
Those are songs that work!