The cloud

I feel like  I’m in the cloud of unknowing!

When I was driving back from my wife, Jill’s, death (a two hour drive from Saskatoon to Kindersley), I made the following remark to my son, Tim.

I’m a widower.  And I have no idea what that means

The words were true at the moment.  And continue to strike a chord in my life.  At first the chord was harmonious – I was active in scheduling memorial services, working on the estate and returning to pastoral duties.

Now the chord seems a bit more distant.  I still hear the call of Jill’s last sentence in her journal – “God is in control.”  Those words ring true, but some days distant.

What is clouding the music?   Reality.  For those who mourn, when the future overtakes the past, uncertainty begins to dominate the chord of life.

Which reminds me this morning.  Return to the major chord! 

God is in control, let all the earth keep silence!

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