The “Try it out” day

Well, if sabbath is the culmination of your work week, then the rest is really found in the trying out of the work.

Most of us figure we are only talking about what we get paid for when we talk about work.  Let me stretch your thinking.  What if you thought about working during the week to set yourself up for a day that would be all about having fun living what God calls us to live – kingdom life? 

Maybe your work is about anger control that God says is not a good thing.  So, with God’s conviction and strength, you learn to recognize your anger more fully.  A bit of good advice doesn’t hurt.  Nor does learning what triggers you. 

So during the week you are working on these Kingdom principles.  Sabbath comes and you try out what you have learned.  You watch intentionally for a situation that triggers your anger – and you call out to God (yell would be a better word) to help you pull all that work together and come out contented that you have lived a godly life. 

And now you can rest.  For some of you, your sabbath may come on the fifth day.  And God confirms to you that conquering your fears, or closely loving others, or whatever, is up to you when you leave it up to God.  Rest is found in that moment. The work has led to rest.

Just some initial thoughts as I “work” on learning to “rest”.

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