It’s that time of year! When plans begin to take shape for the coming year. I still work on the academic year – September through June, so the six month itch is beginning to manifest itself now.
This year I’m searching for a sense of direction for the church I’m working with, as well as for my wife and I as we complete our first year of being “empty-nesters.” We see no reason to consider another venue. As a matter of fact, there has been no lifting of the original sense that we should be here.
But how do we do and listen at the same time?
I’m reading and hearing from others who are in the same space. We all know that God is there and is not silent. But right now the clarity of His voice is just a little off frequency – prayer starts that tuning in process, other people add their signals and in the end the message will be clear.
Over the years I have seen this cycle repeated. I know God will speak. I know He will speak in His own time.
But, I’d still like Him to hurry up so I can wait!