To be young again!

Perhaps it’s old age, or common sense, or the wisdom of being ancient!

Yesterday we had considered our strength in the early morning and decided not to venture into Saskatoon, a two hour drive away.  Following a great church service, we headed home – feeling much better.  With activities that had transpired following the church service, we arrived home into the early afternoon, without sufficient time to head to the memorial service which had beckoned us to head to Saskatoon.

We decided to stay home!

And then our daughter phoned.  She wondered if we were headed into Saskatoon.  They were there.  Did we want to join them for a coffee or for supper? 

Without a strict time frame we felt we could head in.  And we were both feeling in good enough physical shape by then to be able to enjoy the afternoon.

So we did what we had done 35 years ago.  We got in the car, headed off on a four hour round trip to have coffee/ice cream/supper!

Sometimes you just want to be young again!

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