To Grandmother’s house

Soon we will see the grandkids.  Tonight is the making of caramel corn and haystacks / chocolate macaroons.  The smell is great and even the sight draws one in.  But no tasting until “the day.”

Tonight was also time to talk with my sister.  She recently had surgery for cancer.  All indications are that things were caught in time.  She will take some preventive chemo.  I’m praying all will go well.

The contrast of context is stark.  Heather lives in Oregon in a full blown recession.  Here in Kindersley we have much money in abundance flowing from deep wells of oil and plentiful ground yielding the grains of the world.

Her medical bills are paid through insurance – not a publicly funded insurance – but private insurance.  To keep premiums in the mere $1oo’s of dollars a month (which is what her job pays for), the deductible is $7,500 – per person.

I’m thankful to be living in Canada where basic health care is publicly funded!  I’m thankful for a family I can share time with.  I’m thankful for a God who became human to give to us all that was intended from the very beginning of time.

I’m just thankful!

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