To my daughter’s house I go!

Sunday mid-afternoon I headed to my daughter’s house.  Sounds a bit like a fairy tale – looking for wolves and taking baking.

Well, actually, there was no baking (she provided supper), and wolves don’t tend to populate the prairies.

But, I did head to my daughter’s and arrived in time for supper and a bit of play with the grandkids. 

Today, I’ll help clean out a room that is stuffed with stuff.  The kids have been playing well with a few toys.  The idea will be to put into like piles like toys and like things.  I like doing that!

And then I’ll head back home and move into a busy week as the fall season arises to meet us at the church.

But for the moment – what a great way to enjoy Family Day!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. elizabeth cooper

    How is Allison doing? I send her notes but I haven’t heard from her. Hope she is doing well.

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