Transplanted bush

Jill loved red bushes and trees.  This past week, in Ontario, my morning walks saw me pass a multitude of these!

I came home and wandered into our back yard.  A few years ago,  in our “garden space”, we had left two red bushes.  Just for the sake of having red bushes. 

They were not seen.  They were trimmed a few times.  The rototiller had to carefully bypass them. 

Overall they needed a new home.

So today, I went out and moved one.  To the front yard flower bed. 

Will it take root?  We’ll see. 

But at least now, in plain view is a red bush.  A reminder and an opportunity for a new beginning.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. elizabeth cooper

    Hey Ron, I’ve noticed a real difference in Brenda’s plants and bushes. She “feeds” them with stuff she gets from the nursery. When you think of how much bushes cost why not try some of it. Ask her for the name. A well fed garden is a thing of beauty.Keep up the good work. Wish I had a garden to look after but my back wouldn’t take it now !!
    Praying for you Ron, as you go to conference. It will be tough at times. I know. Even though the presence of God is so real with me now, I miss the chatting and exchanging of views and ideas with Allan. Jill was and is precious and so unique. What great memories I have of her. When she was a teenager she used to chase me around the house !! I can remember so clearly how when she was 14, we stretched out a paper pattern on the hall floor to cut out a pair of slacks for her and the fan kep blowing it all over !! We had many a laugh as she was growing up. Cherish the memories and sweetness of her always. I am so blessed.

  2. Brenda Sutherland

    Ron-the stuff I use on my plants , flowers and bushes is Schultz Liquid Plant Food-buy it in Walmart in the garden section-small cardboard box with a squeeze dropper style bottle inside.I think you can also get it in powder form-the stuff is amazing-makes everything grow! If you cant find it Miracle Grow is also good – just follow the instructions on back for both types.
    I love the fact the you moved the bush around to the front.It will love the full sun and all the attention!Thankyou!!
    P.S. A little “3 way mix”soil will also help it to take off- or even a little sheep or cow manure( it doesnt smell -it’s just like regular soil).

  3. Colleen

    Read a short story of how a man always rubbed his hands on a bush before he entered his home every day after work. When asked why he did this he replied that it was “his trouble tree” where he left his days trials before entering the house.
    Perhaps your bush will just be there to remind you of your other half every time you come home and put a smile on your face 🙂
    I continue in prayer for you and yours…….

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