What a dilly!

This afternoon our supper was served as international cuisine.  Culture day permeated Kindersley today, and not the least of the culture was the cuisine from around the world.

Although the food included bannock and samosa, I was most intrigued by the vegetable tray set out by a Persian.  On it were strands of green shoots.  I had to ask!  The answer was simple – dill! 

Now, I should know that!  For years, when we had a garden, we grew dill.  Or rather, dill grew by itself.  In recent years dill has been a part of the canning of pickles. 

But somehow, this felt like the first time.  And perhaps it was – the first time I had eaten strands of dill just by themselves.  What a delight!  Tasted very good, and the aftertaste is not acrid or unpleasant.

Would I eat dill every day?  Probably not.  But next time it is offered, I will accept!

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