What we need to do

I was putting away my journals.  I’ve kept a set from 1994 – to the present.

The whole set takes up more room than I had budgeted for.  Each day’s entries in the journal are just jot notes of what I’ve done or thought.  From points of depression through to exhilaration, its all in there.

As I was going through the journals I ran across a journal my wife and I had kept for our daughter.  We called it the Compliment Book.  Each entry was a compliment for what we had seen that day.

As I looked back, I remembered being a teenager’s parent.  Those days are not easy, for either the parent or the teen. 

Somehow two decades later, I think this was as much about building a right perspective of others as it was about giving my daughter affirmation. 

I phoned her last night.  We chatted.  We ended by saying “I love you.”

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