What we wear

A biker came into my office today.  Sporting nice leathers, he mentioned that he sees enough Harley Davidson gear around, he just had to wear Suzuki paraphernalia.

What people wear, and for what reasons! 

Have  you seen some of the Tshirts currently available?  “It’s all about me” seems to be making the rounds.  I like the old saying (at least it’s getting to be old):  been there, done that, got the Tshirt. 

Tshirts do tend to summarize in a small area the large areas of our lives.  What we wear says a lot about who we are. 

And it’s not just the words on a shirt.  Friday I wore a tie to work.  A great reminder that I was headed off to work.  The day was definitely tinged with aspects of life that could have distracted, but I was “tied” to completely to the tasks before me.

There was an old tradition of setting your clothes out the night before.  Not just to make sure they were washed and ironed.  But also to remind us of the opportunities of the coming day.  Not a bad plan!

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