We're back!

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Almost three days away!

Two days we spent time with short visits with Lloyd and Lynn.  They are both in need of support, while at the same time providing encouragement to us. 

I asked them how they had been able to live their lives as salt and light in Kindersley over the past 30 years.  They gave some practical thoughts.  Be yourself; be sincere; accept others from who they are; know people’s limitations and live with that instead of dismissing them out of hand, be involved in the community; don’t force things – really care about people and be content where you are!  Not a bad summary!

On the way there and back we passed a great little community called Marengo – the following is not a paid political announement, nor is it designed by “Tourism Marengo” – nevertheless you may want to check this place out someday!


Off to Calgary!

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Some times you just go!

Our friend Lloyd and his wife Lynn are in Calgary — four hours from home.  Lloyd is there for cancer treatments.  How are things?  On a scale of 1 – 10, indications are that this is not a 10! 

Sometimes you just need to be there.  To support each other even though you can’t humanly “fix things.”

This weekend a group is hoping to head down as well.  For that I have nothing but commendations! 

I have been a pastor for a number of years.  This commitment to a friend is a true indication of what a local church about. 

NHL playoffs!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

The other night Jill asked who CAR was.  They were playing Montreal in the Stanley Cup playoffs (which drag on until June!).

I honestly didn’t know.  The wrong answer was Calgary.  They would be CGY or CAL 

We both thought further. The name Hurricanes came up. 

“It’s not Kansas, Toto!”

We figured out it was Carolina. 

Back in the six team days we knew all the names and didn’t use three letter anagrams.  We may even have grown up with some of the players.  Now we have artificial ice plants that make Florida water freeze.  And Mighty Ducks (granted, name changes can happen) along with devils and other creatures.

So, why haven’t I been a hockey watcher? 

I played in a church hockey league.  I love the thrill of  a perfectly executed rush, from one end of the rink to the other.  And the slap of a stick on the ice is a beautiful thing.

I guess I’m trying to work out the question of sports as purely entertainment.  Somehow it used to be that hockey was a question of picking a side and staying with the team that I perceived were out to win, or at least that wanted my support.  Now I feel like it’s all entertainment – just like wrestling (one of my favourite high school sports) has now become the most theatrically choreographed event held in a small square ring in the center of a colossal stadium of rabid ticket holders.

OK, that sounds cynical.  Am I the only one who is a little jaded?

Songs that work!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Last night at one of the senior’s complexes in town, my wife and I led a hymn sing.  For many there this is a time of reminiscing in old comfort zones. 

The world stands still for many of us.  Last night I heard one of the people tell about an event when they were four years old.  He told it like it was yesterday.  In his mind, it was.  He is now in his 80’s. 

I’ve heard teens tell stories of when they were eight years old.  As if it were yesterday.

So, when we sing hymns memories grow in a room.  Pushing out the faded voices and crackling melodies.  We join in remembering how the song affected us – personally.  My hope is that often that memory will return us to a time when our God awareness was keener.  When our obedience was stronger.  When our vision of telling others about God was consuming.

Those are songs that work!