Women's shelter on the way in Prince Albert

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Two or three years ago friends of ours mentioned a need — for a women’s shelter in Prince Albert.  Both worked for the Salvation Army.  That day, we met them around a bank of shelving in Costco in Sasaktoon.  The years have ground forward.  The background work has taken time, and probably it’s toll. 

This week funding from federal government sources was announced.  Dave and Carol — good to see that things do finally emerge!!

That heavenly smell

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From days of yore!  We awaken to the smell of fresh baked pie.  Carefully rolled pastry with syrupy filling.  And best of all??  My son is the creator.


A classical feel!

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I was checking out some music by Jan Vayne and the Gypsy Boys.  They were at a concert in Germany (?) a few years ago.  A YouTube piece has some music from the concert series over the years.  Four minutes of good listening.

The dryer setting

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Loved the comment by MaryAnne on yesterday’s blog entry!  Normal is just a dryer setting!

Well, I am feeling closer to normal.  As is Jill.

Today we headed out to pick up some groceries.  Together.  In the same car.  Without a walker.

The groeries were for a friend who has just come home from the hospital.  He needed some food — he was in hospital lon enough his fridge food was starting to grow green!  We didn’t need to pick up a lot of food, just enough to tide him over for a few days.

This morning was a three hour stint at the office.  Not bad!  And now I’m working at home on a sermon.  Almost a 3/4 day, which is getting back to "normal".  In a few weeks, I’ll be out after a full day of work and wonder why I couldn’t be "normal" the way I was a few weeks ago!!