To last forever

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

In Psalm 90 (my next sermon) God is proclaimed as having been before the birth of the universe until eternity – that’s God’s lifespan.

We get a mere 70 years, or 80.  Those who reach 90 can attest to the decline in life as the years increase.

What would it be like to last forever?  What would it be like to exist like some plastics which we are told are non-biodegradable?  What would it be like to be everlearning, evereating, everlasting?

I guess I have a hard time understanding that.  I think I am built with the second law of thermodynamics in my bones.  But in my spirit .  .  .  I’m built to last forever.  Someday my body will catch up – or at least a body with a new format – one that is programmed to last forever.

For that I’m glad.

For tonight, I’ll take my acid inhibiting medications and walk to my room on metal knee replacements. . . looking forward to forever!!

Come and Gone

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An enjoyable trip to Saskatoon was only interrupted when our son called to say he had missed his flight. 

That was not so bad.  We ended up with a free evening, a good night’s sleep, great exercise on a stationary bike in the morning, continental breakfast at our motel, shopping and then . . . we picked up our son at the airport and headed home.

His arrangements have led him to Regina for the next few days.  Then home, and off again.  Possibly to Edmonton. 

Those plans are still being worked out for now.  We’ll see what comes next.

Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape!!

Thoughts in passing #2

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I was reading today from a devotional called “Men of integrity.”  You can look at the daily thoughts here.  The thought that struck me? 

You didn’t tell a lie, you just left a big hole in the truth. —Helen Thomas (journalist)

Second area of cogitation?  There is a project called “The Nines.”  Read more about it here.  On September 9th a number of church leaders will talk on leadership for nine minutes each.  I’ve registered (it’s free).  Looks like great stuff – goes for about nine hours starting at 9:09 in the morning.

Thoughts in passing

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

An interesting quote from one of my "tours" around facebook!

Harry Robinson had a wonderful metaphor for the church.  It was that of a shepherd maintaining his flock:  he could either build a fence to keep them in, or build a pasture with plenty of water and nourishment to make them want to stay

The other thought comes from an email I received about our upcoming denominational assembly in Turkey in 2010.  W. Ward Gasque (a heavy weight in Biblical Studies) is taking a tour group through Turkey.  That’s good information, but it was the way he signed his name that got to me.

Remember, this is a biblical scholar whom I have read and admire (great textbook on Acts!), but he had no official affiliation with the workings of the Alliance.

Here is his quote in the email sent out.

Since I am a relative newcomer to the Canadian Alliance as far as membership is concerned (though I have been linked with the Alliance as a Staley Distinguished Visiting Lecturer at CBC/CTS, assisting in the education of numerous Alliance pastors and scholars, and, on occasion, preaching), some of you may not know me.  For the past two years I have been honored to serve as the English Ministries Pastor at Richmond Chinese Alliance Church.  As you may or may not be aware, I was a co-founder of Regent College.

There’s more, but it just struck me that a Chinese Alliance church was able to enlist Dr. Gasque’s services.  This is probably based on friendships and other factors.  Nevertheless, I’m wondering if I sometimes overlook people who would love to be coming alongside things that I think God is calling me to just because they may be busy, or currently engaged in their own pursuits, or seemingly out of my league?

Just some thoughts!!