Quickly they fly

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

That’s the sentiment both my wife and I have had this week.  Every moment seems to have been full, fast and furious.  We’ve done the doctor thing – renewing prescriptions and checking on ailments.  We’ve done the program thing – having committee meetings and planning programs.  We’ve done the funeral thing – dealing with a recent death and comforting family.  We’ve done the clean up thing – taking down decorations and preparing for floor waxing.

In the midst of all this a theme for our youth group was taking shape.  “Prayer”.  Prayer that is more than activity.  Prayer that is deeply embedded with time spent in relationship.  Prayer that is more than a list.

They appear to be opposites. 

In reality they work with each other.  Without prayer there is no effective programming and planning.  Without programming and planning prayers can remain merely dreams and wishes that don’t deal with the hard work of relationship.

So, I’m sitting at home praying that life will slow a bit – and programming to sit down for a few minutes.  I sense that is a direction that I’m being prompted to take!!  Sometimes God is just plain practical if we will listen.

From the bottom to the top

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Down the road from the church a new house is being built.  The framing took only a few days.

Now, the roof is being built. 

Not in the usual way.  Usually you would lift up trusses onto the walls.  Then you tie them together.  Finally you place the sheeting over top.

Instead, the trusses are being built on the ground.  You can see them up close!  Then the roof will be lifted up and placed on the walls.

As a group of us talked about this, we wondered what would happen if they are just slightly out in their measurements.  Would their be a way to compensate?  Can you lift and lower until you finally have it right?  Isn’t it easier just to build it in place?

Like armchair quarterbacks we solved the world’s problems – or at least that of building a roof.  Of course, the proof is in the pudding, or is that “in the roof?”

Day off

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

The routine of a weekly day off is starting to become a discipline.  Having said that, last week didn’t quite work out.

But today . . . pretty well a day off!

Repainting a door, cutting the grass, and even helping make supper (notice I said helping – I’m not quite up to the chef level yet!) . . . those were all opportunities to do “day off” stuff.  And I enjoyed them.

I also had an afternoon rest (the Sunday version is often called the “evangelical nap”).  Riding my stationary bike gave me some exercise.  Watching some TV was entertainment. 

And now, I write my blog and settle in the for evening wind down time.

May your day end with restfulness, ready for a new day to dawn!

Temperature rising

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

A watering trough serves as our baptismal tank.  Not your regular, country style tubular kind.  It actually looks like a round swimming pool, downsized and made of black plastic.

The tank was filled a few nights ago, and the water temperature increased by inserting heaters used for cattle troughs.  To regulate the temperature you need to back off the heat judiciously.  Which means, in terms I understand, you unplug the heater when the water gets too hot.

At the same time, the overnight temperature in the building tends to get colder so the water cools down.  The heater is now on, and in the morning we’ll check it once again.  All things being equal, by 11:00 tomorrow morning the baptismal will be just right!!

Come join us – at the Kindersley Alliance church, 74 West Road, Kindersley, Saskatchewan, Canada.