When you feel well

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Ever had days where your body catches up to the age you once were?

I’ve felt slightly younger than yesterday and certainly no older than tomorrow!  I’ve awoken in the morning and kept going until the evening with no real breaks.  For two or three days I’ve passed the 8 hour work day and headed towards 11 or more hours.  And it has been fun.

These are the days, my friends.  I realize I will soon need to regroup (part of recognizing old age).  But while I’m at it, I’m enjoying the refreshing it brings!

May your days be filled with joy and laughter.  May you walk a line that is easy to see and hard to miss!  May you find God’s pro-vision in all you do as He pro-actively works in your life!


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Our son has been on the high seas.  On a luxury liner serving as a theatre technician.

Today he was able to alert us to his return for a few months.  This Sunday or Monday he will venture on board a plane, probably from L.A., and head back to Saskatchewan.

I look forward to seeing him home.  After our busyness, this will be a new form of activity. 

Soon and very soon we are going to see our son!!

Funeral done

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From morning to evening.

Starting in the morning, I checked over funeral preparations – the building, the people, the program.  This was a tricky funeral in that the deceased and I disagreed (in a friendly but firm way) on some basic theological thoughts.

But we were friends.

Which means I desired to be a support to the family.  And to present comfort but not overlook where the contrasts in our thinking were significant.

In the end, I trust this was well received – that people heard what was said and, if they disagreed, that they did so out of belief and not anger.  That’s the sense I had as we fellowshipped following the service.  May God grant comfort and support to the Chandler family at this time.

john chandler - funeral - August 24, 2009

Family, friends and funerals

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

At 6:00 Friday night a friend called asking if he could stay overnight.  No brainer!  This morning we joined together for breakfast and a round of talking that circled our friendship, church issues and things that make for fun with a fellow traveler  on the road of life.

At around 10:00 Friday night my sister called for a ride from Kindersley to Rosetown.  Today we delivered her car to her in Rosetown.  There are unexpected times when family gets together – not planned but plugging a hole where the last few weeks have not allowed us to be in contact.

At 2:00 today I attended a funeral for a minister in our town.  He had died of a heart attack this past week.  Just barely a few years older than I!  The funeral was from a tradition other than my denominational affiliation.  I sat reminiscing on God, tradition, funeral attire and the church.

And now, I’ve just put some final touches on a sermon that was completed in fits and starts this week.  Monday will be a funeral for a contact I had made a few years ago.  He was not a church member but his wife requested my participation.  Sometimes the beginning of spiritual awakenings comes through the small things.  I pray in that direction.

May God bless your evening with a sense of his presence and an understanding that the unplanned is often God’s plan.