On my way home!

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Well, our car’s personality appears to be very magnetic.  Driving the Oldsmobile Intrigue home this evening, the car was struck by another appearance – right out of a parking lot and into it’s path.

Thankfully there were no injuries, but another fender is dinged up.  About a month ago some slight damage was done to the other fender.  Now this one.  Maybe if I leave the car parked on the street someone will hit the rear end.

Oh well.  We were thinking of getting a newer car.  Just maybe not as soon as this.

So, what gets good gas mileage, looks decent and comes in under $10,000 (I cringe to think that we might have to pay that much!)?  Any comments?

Tread the verge of Jordan

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I always liked that phrase.  The next phrase says, “bid my anxious fears subside.”

Today I sat in our local seniors manor.  There you will find those who are not only treading the verge of Jordan, they have their toes on the shore.  Now, with Alzheimer’s, I’m not sure the depth of anxious fears.  For others, whose minds are ready – their spirits may not be so.

That’s where I find a trust in Jesus makes a difference.  Sure, there is the matter of being torn by family ties.  Or disturbed by those we will not continue to invite into our daily lives.  But, overall, there is also a sense of anticipation of the next adventure.

Where I have friends with such an outlook, the visit is inspiring.  I guess it’s the others who quiver at the coldness of the crossing that make me sad.  And also make me want to continue to visit and present a better way – the way through Jesus that leads to the other side with joy, while living here in peace!

How we grow into fame

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

We have a friend who writes puns and jokes on his Facebook page.   Not just any friend – he’s a pastor (I guess that puts him into a world of his own).  Not just any comments – but ones that carry a groan or hummph or some other odd expression.

Not that he probably started things that way.  He probably just had an itchy funny bone one day.

And now this train of thought has railroaded his facebook page.  When we read his comments, we seem to enjoy a new twist of face – brought on by a twisted sense of humor.

Now Jill, my good wife, usually checks out Facebook for me.  So I wait with baited (like a fish!) breath to hear the latest.  Here’s one:

Does anyone else feel like Chilean miners have gone too mainstream since their dramatic rescue? I think I liked them better when they were a little more underground.

And one more just for you car fans

Saw these guys driving a Ford while eating nachos, hitting piñatas and wearing sombreros. I think it was a Fiesta.

Here’s one Jill laughed at

You know, somebody actually complimented me on my driving today! They left a little note on the windshield, it said “Parking Fine.” So that was nice.

I guess Facebook is good for something!

Home again

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Arrived back in Kindersley at 6:30.

I must admit, I’ve had a great last few days.  Just sitting and organizing things. 

A weird relaxation, you say!  Yes, I suppose compared to the majority of the population.  Nevertheless, give me a day of cataloguing or describing or organizing and I come away feeling refreshed.  Maybe this will be my retirement income?

So, how do you describe your occupation for tax purposes?  Organizer (that sounds a little to union based), describer (that sounds like a writer), or how about straightener-upper (that sounds like putting plates back in place in the cupboard)? 

What would you suggest?