Regional pastors met in Saskatoon and shared, discussed and planned. Some things I took away:
Farmer picture of reaching new people for Jesus (for those who know what a combine is!)
Adjust the sieves at a different angle
Grabbing the emerging church:
- Provide accesibility to the gospel of Jesus
- Discipleship is Jesus
- Be missional
From a plaque at the mall:
You are writing a gospel, a chapter each dayBy deeds that you do, by words that you sayMen read what you write, whether faithlfess or trueSay, what is the gospel according to you
One of my daughters attends a bible study where most are divorced, some are former drug addicts, some former prison inmates on parole and some just have problems.Anyway I like the comment “adjust the sieves at a different angle”.I think most of these people fit into that category, a category that God understands even if I don’t but that does not mean I can’t support the need for, not changing the gospel but for being willing to move over and make room for ” adjusting the sieves”.Elsie.