Some people aren't worth the time

I woke up under the covers this morning.  Trying to keep warm.  With the price of gas going up 41% its time to try out lower temperatures in the house.

Got me thinking.  What kinds of blankets do I like to have over me?

There are the smothering blankets.  The kind that just surround me and make me claw at them to get a breath of fresh air. 

Then there are the covering blankets.  The kind that just lay over top of me and protect me from the cold.

Some people are smothering blankets.  They dash every thought you have into the ground, freeze out good ideas and generally turn you cold to the great adventure of life.

Some people are covering blankets.  They ask questions, point out possible holes in theories and cover the ground before you get there.

Give me a covering blanket any day!!

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