A thousand miles

They say a thousand miles begins with one step.  Or one revolution of the bike pedal!

Last fall my old stationary bike was wearing out.  The noise was increasing – and in the early morning hours the last thing I wanted was to wake my wife.

I went looking for a similar model of bike.  The original bike (which became a staple of my life shortly after I  had double knee replacement) had been given to me.  Therefore a good place to look for a replacement seemed to be the local Salvation Army thrift shop.

After a few visits, I did happen upon the same model.  The price was not high.  I offered $5.00 and they snapped up the sale.

This new bike had an odometer that worked.  Perhaps I travelled the earth on the old bike, I’ll never know.  I like to think I did!  The reality is that I probably only went a few hundred miles before it wore out.

Speedometer readings can spur you on.  I found that an easy, steady pace allowed me to go about 5 miles in 20 minutes.  Just a nice workout.  I began with the odometer just over 200 miles.  Today I’m just over 1,200 miles. 

That’s a ride from here to Thunder Bay, Ontario.  Or I could venture west, and if I could ride on water, end up on Vancouver Island just past Victoria, British Columbia – up to Comox, BC.

Five miles a day can get you a long way!

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