As time draws near

The word has come that my mother is not doing well.  She has had some seizures and possible mini-strokes – and has now contracted pneumonia.  For those who have dealt with this type of situation, the prognosis for a long life is not good.

So today I have been making arrangements (I am the executor and am trying to get a step or two ahead of things). 

More than that, I have been remembering. 

The times around the kitchen early in the morning as I unloaded the dishwasher and my mother prepared lunches.  Those were chat times that were short but always worth the encouragement, or instruction or funny comments that make for shared memories.

There was the day that my mother took me out shopping (I was just finishing grade 12) and “forced” me to chose my own shirt.  I did ask her advice but she was helping me grow up.  I’m not sure I’m yet able to do a good job of coordinating clothes, but I do have something on whenever I step out the door in the morning.

More memories will come!  I’m thankful for my mom – her love for God and for her husband, and for each one of us kids!

What a great heritage.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Sue and Dell

    The Lord be with you during this difficult transition time of possibly saying a temporary farewell to your mom until you see her again in heaven. Prayers for a peaceful journey for her and for peace of heart and mind for you.

  2. Elizabeth Cooper

    What great memories you have, Ron ! Your Mom was a talented woman and I am sorry to see what is happening now. But on to a wonderful destination .

  3. Ron Baker

    Mom has rallied.

    She has a strong constitution. We’ll see where the next few weeks takes us.

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