Going our separate ways

As we head into the rest of the Easter break, my wife and I are headed out in different directions.  By the time the week is done she will have ventured four hours northeast and I will have headed four hours southeast.  Separately.  Apart. On missions.

No, not church missions!

My wife will continue her chosen profession, painting walls and beautifying a house in Prince Albert.  I will head to Gravelbourg to visit my mother who has recently had some mini-strokes in the nursing home she inhabits.

While this may seem counterintuitive during a break, for both of us this will be part of family.  My wife will take my step son, and they will work on the painting job together – and I understand some nephews and nieces may show up.  I will visit with my sister, and together we will visit my mother.

While we could selfishly spend all our time together (which is one definition of smothering another person), instead we will increase our family connections.

Who knows, maybe there will be this coming together of a huge family reunion in years to come just because we are willing to be apart.

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