Basement progressing

A week or so ago we took down the doors to our kitchen cabinets in the basement.  In the midst of our renovations, this was a chance we took.  The kitchen would be a light beige and the cabinets doors a dark shade. 

Would this look good?  We had a sense it would.  The same colors were used in our upstairs.  We used them for feature walls.

Well, the cabinets look great.  The old handles were put back.  They were white.  Previously they didn’t match.  Now they actually complement the feel of the area. 

One set of doors were just slightly off kilter when we took them down.  We tried our best to readjust them.  After an hour or so, we got them working.  But there is still a slight slant we can’t quite adjust!

Which means, we will be open for guests in a few weeks (the floor is yet to be finished and the bedrooms painted).  If you are around, drop in and see what has been done.

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