Book-ending a meeting

OK, this is not about about reading.  Neither is it about ending a meeting by overwhelming someone with the latest novel.

Today I as off to Rosetown (down the road) for a meeting.  As it happened, I have relatives there.  So I arranged for a meeting before and one after.

Then on the way home, I also stopped in to see one of our parishioners.  Having left at 8:00 in the morning, I arrived back in time for supper at 5:45.  This almost feels like the commute some people take to get to work at 9:00 and home by 5:00.  I guess I enjoy having a five minute drive to and from work.

The business meeting went well.  The relative meetings went well.  The “drop in” meeting also went well.  Well, well, well!  Deep subject!

Very punny!

Back home and still moving!!

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