Toronto Flight 799

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Tonight I see my wife, Jill.

I count 12 days she’s been away.  And she’s “a comin’ back!”

We’ve talked over the phone.  But that never quite does the “in-person” thing!

I’ve laid plans for the next few weeks that we will need to discuss.  I learned early in our marriage that all shared activities are fluid until I we discuss them.  And rightly so — I firmly believe that marriage is a two-into-one thing.  One 50% shareholder speaking for the other shareholder without consultation is not a good scene!

She’s filled her luggage up – in fact, took an extra large suitcase just in case.  Included will be baby clothes for a new grandchild due next week.  Look for the next travel installment then!

Some people aren't worth the time

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I woke up under the covers this morning.  Trying to keep warm.  With the price of gas going up 41% its time to try out lower temperatures in the house.

Got me thinking.  What kinds of blankets do I like to have over me?

There are the smothering blankets.  The kind that just surround me and make me claw at them to get a breath of fresh air. 

Then there are the covering blankets.  The kind that just lay over top of me and protect me from the cold.

Some people are smothering blankets.  They dash every thought you have into the ground, freeze out good ideas and generally turn you cold to the great adventure of life.

Some people are covering blankets.  They ask questions, point out possible holes in theories and cover the ground before you get there.

Give me a covering blanket any day!!

Pastor's meeting quotes

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Regional pastors met in Saskatoon and shared, discussed and planned.  Some things I took away:

Farmer picture of reaching new people for Jesus (for those who know what a combine is!)

Adjust the sieves at a different angle

Grabbing the emerging church:
  • Provide accesibility to the gospel of Jesus
  • Discipleship is Jesus
  • Be missional

From a plaque at the mall:

You are writing a gospel, a chapter each day
By deeds that you do, by words that you say
Men read what you write, whether faithlfess or true
Say, what is the gospel according to you

Life in the human lane!

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Friday I sat with one of our church composer – Wayne Gibson.  He works for the local newspaper and is a true wordsmith.

He played through 10 compositions.  This was my first chance to hear a number of the pieces.  We are considering putting together a CD.  You’ll want to line up for this!

Wayne can take poetry and, with the twist of a phrase, make you see things in a totally new perspective.  He remembers at one point writing his first song that was “full of words”.   Current wisdom is to use few words – as though the listeners can’t remember anything more! 

I’m glad Wayne has gone the wordy way!  If we want to expand our musical and verbal horizons, its time the “Wayne Gibson’s” of the world stand up.!

Keep tuned.  I’ll let you know when, where and how you can pick your CD up (or download it, or rip it, or MP3 it, or whatever!)