Work for the day and night!

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I’ve been trying to figure out pain management.  I accidentally lessened off some medications for a few hours.  During that time the pain did not increase.  My hope is that I can soon work with ice packs and exercise to deal with the worst of the pain.  I’ll work with medical personnel to figure this one out!

I’m exercising three to four times a day — that loosens up the muscles and keeps me limber.  I’m actually starting to enjoy the leg lifts and tucks as well as walking around the house. 

My next big venture!  I’ve tried sleeping on my side.  I put pillows between my knees, rest for a few minutes and then lay on my back again.  I must admit that it takes some of the "boringness" out of sleep.  Never thought I’d be getting "cabin fever" already!!

You’d almost think that recovery from surgery has become my work!

The egg that binds

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

So, a cooking show is enthralling Jill right now.  Actually I’m enjoying it myself.  Burger day —  hamburger and vegie burger.  Presentation is important on this show.  For me, I just put the mustard container on the table and help myself — this cook has a beautiful white scalloped container for the mustard (I wonder if she washes her own dishes).

Of course, in the middle of the preparation, out comes an egg.  Now, mixing chickens with cows doesn’t always work well.  Working on my uncle’s farm one year, the cows tended to find chickens under foot could create various injuries — and not to the cows.

But here we have it.  To keep this whole recipe together, you need to find a binding.  Something that keeps the various ingredients together. 

For those of us who live around others all the time, we are constantly looking for that which holds us together. For family, its often the parents.  For retail store staff, it’s often the manager.  And for the church, is it the pastor?  Or is there a stronger binding power?   How long will a church stay together when a church is more well known for it’s pastor than for it’s master?

Going South

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Amazing how a short phrase begins to take on new meanings.

Years ago, going south meant taking a vacation south of where you live.  So, if I’m in Winnipeg, Manitoba, a trip to Morden is "going south".

For years northern Canadians headed to the southern climes of the United States.  The time period was anywhere up to six months in length (health care, pension and other considerations meant a return before a half year disappeared).  Going south was an adventure.

Now when an idea, concept or activity is running into trouble, we claim that things are "going south".  As though we slide downwards — south being the directions.

So, I’m spending hours (OK, minutes) thinking about where this phrase will go next.  Maybe "going south" will relate to global warming.  Or with plastic cards being our new money, hard cash comes from the north and the soft money of credit cards is "going south." 

Any other thoughts?

Paradigm Shift

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

So, my good wife (my only wife!) and I are working on exercises this morning.  Actually I’m doing the exercises, she’s cheering me on. I find I need the cheering, and the exercises in order to regain what surgery has given back to me.

Originally, in my mind, the idea was that I would continue with all sorts of activities while I recuperated.  the actual recovery would merely be one of those compartmental areas slotted in my PDA (Day Timer).

Yeah!  That worked for a day or two once I got home (sitting in a hospital it is your job to work on recovery — at home you have to set your priorities). 

The first few days I had welcome visitors — but I ran out of steam more quickly than expected.  I scheduled in some correspondence (emails, phone calls, etc.).  But somehow I was physically distracted and the "to do" list keeps growing without trying.

Now, the thought that many have told me is finally coming home.  "You are here to recover — the rest is gravy!"  To my friend Blaine — I feel the Paradigm Shift starting to reach into my soul.

What makes this especially pointed??  My wife has been through many major heart surgeries.  I think she told me this would happen (OK, she did mention it once or twice).  But "let him who has ears to hear, hear."

So, I’m turning up the volume a bit!!