Paradigm Shift

So, my good wife (my only wife!) and I are working on exercises this morning.  Actually I’m doing the exercises, she’s cheering me on. I find I need the cheering, and the exercises in order to regain what surgery has given back to me.

Originally, in my mind, the idea was that I would continue with all sorts of activities while I recuperated.  the actual recovery would merely be one of those compartmental areas slotted in my PDA (Day Timer).

Yeah!  That worked for a day or two once I got home (sitting in a hospital it is your job to work on recovery — at home you have to set your priorities). 

The first few days I had welcome visitors — but I ran out of steam more quickly than expected.  I scheduled in some correspondence (emails, phone calls, etc.).  But somehow I was physically distracted and the "to do" list keeps growing without trying.

Now, the thought that many have told me is finally coming home.  "You are here to recover — the rest is gravy!"  To my friend Blaine — I feel the Paradigm Shift starting to reach into my soul.

What makes this especially pointed??  My wife has been through many major heart surgeries.  I think she told me this would happen (OK, she did mention it once or twice).  But "let him who has ears to hear, hear."

So, I’m turning up the volume a bit!!

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