Couldn't have planned it!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

The day started early morning (around 3:30 or so I usually have "devotions").  As I was reading, meditating and praying I sensed God had something planned.  Not of my own planning.  And some days you just need that.

After a few more hours rest, I was off to work by 6:45.  Now, for me, that’s a new thing.  After surgery I struggled to be in to work by 9:00 or later. 

But I was refreshed and had some ideas perculating.  One of the first things I did was put together a CD of some Sunday service highlights.  By 10:00 I was phoning some of those who had been unable to be out because of our "snowday" on Sunday.  Before noon I had delivered packages of bulletins and CD’s to six different individuals.  Another went out in the afternoon

After a half hour’s nap at noon, I headed back to work.  Our health and benefits provider has changed, so paperwork needed to be filled out.  The denomination’s president just sent out a pastoral letter with some possible directions for coming decades.  Some water started dripping at the church entrance so pails were assembled.  Then a young lady needed a ride to the hospital. 

Now, as supper approaches, God has given me a mindset of anticipation.  I can hardly wait to see what  comes next. 


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  • Reading time:1 mins read

So, the lawn had become parched.  And the dust was blowing. 

Then the snow was snowing.  My wife said my picture yesterday did not do justice to the full extent of the blow.  So look below!

Awake my soul, and sing!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Today we opened the curtains to a whole new world. 

Yesterday the ground was dry and parched.  Today the snow is back.  White and beautiful.

I have this great feeling when a snow day may be approaching.  The day seems to be freed of worries and woes.  The day is no longer ruled by others.  Instead, the weather dictates an "at home"stay.  No plans were made (unless you are a little paranoid and brought home extra work the night before!).

Well, the blizzard did not materialize.  But snow did fall.  Not fluffy white stuff.  No, it was sticky, Eastern Ontario snow.  Imported from Montana.  On it’s way North.  Bold and beautiful!!

Playing with ShowBiz

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

For over a year, I’ve played with ArcSoft’s ShowBiz.  Never with great success.  The program broadsides my computer — more likely hogs more memory than is available.

So, today, I’ve tried to put some video, photos and audio into a coherent whole.  The stakes are a little higher! 

Tomorrow, to finish my sermon, I wanted a piece of music that features Romans 1:16.  My wife had some creative ideas.  We sat down for 3 or 4 hours  [by the way, gentlemen, never overlook a time of closeness with your wife!!].  As we stitched together effects, transtions and text the whole began to pull together.

Finally, we ventured with the final project, over to the church.  Placed the MPEG file (the completed movie file) on the church computer.  Fired up the projector and attached the sound cable to the computer’s sound jack. 

Lo, and behold, the movie began, words appeared and we both stood back.  Spellbound with the movie and amazed with the technology.

I can hardly wait to see it again tomorrow!!