What characterizes a sabbath?
I’m sitting at 10:00 on Saturday. In front of my computer. Intentionally thinking about Sabbath.
Today is my day off, and I thought I would see what it would be like to make this day “Sabbath”. For years Sunday has been my Sabbath. But working in a church and planning committee meetings and other church ativities tends to wear down the edge on “rest”.
So, intentionally, I’m thinking about how this day should go. I’ve thought of fasting, but the examples in the Old Testament of Sabbath tend to have feasting attached. I’ve thought of visiting non-Christians, but Sabbath is generally a time to be together with other believers.
Of course, when change was needed in a nation, a sacred assembly (a Sabbath of sorts) was called and a fast invoked. And surely healing is a part of what Jesus did on Sabbath (reaching out to the broken ones of society).
So the question arises. If Sabbath is, as found in Genesis 1 and 2, a day of rest — what does it mean to rest. And is this rest just individual or is their a commuity aspect to it.
Lots of good books written on this subject. Jill has finished Mark Buchanan’s book called “The Rest of God.” — not available today at Amazon.com, but I saw it at a Christian bookstore recently. Some very good thoughts there.
Come along with me. Let’s see where this goes!