
‘Tis the season to be full.

I’ve gained no new weight this year — but my middle seems a bit flabbier (a concession to trying to be a look-alike to Santa!).  So over the next few weeks desserts will be lessened and hopefully weight as well.

Christmas Day brought less than “fullness”.  As we drove back from Rosetown, an hour away, we entered Kindersley later in the evening — right past the Super 8 motel.  Not a car, truck or any other vehicle in sight.  Mental note for next year — I’ll bet motels are cheap on Christmas Day!

Hospitals seem to benefit from the holidays.  Usually Boxing Day and the day after New Year’s Day.  I guess people wait until medical personnel they know are back in town. 

I understand that our hopsital’s bed’s were all taken up by patients.  As I walked the hallway today I was practicing my “queen’s wave” as I passed open doors.  The very same hospital where, in the summer, only one bed was occupied for at least a week!

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