Twitter lines
Sometimes you wonder how a few words can summarize a huge concept. We say a picture paints a thousand words. Maybe a well chosen turn of phrase can also express a thousand words.
At least, that’s the way the best of Twitter would be. In another twist about short phrases, one which I have tested more than once, the best remembered phrases tend to have the lilt of 12 syllables.
The other day I was listening to one of those videos (with Tim Keller – sorry it was on a live feed that I don’t have access to a day or two later) that had a great idea wrapped in a few words. I’m going to try to summarize it in the 12 syllables and see if we can catch it (and hold on to it, I hope!).
Go after God for blessing – expect God to lame you
OK, depending on how you pronounce “blessing”, you have 12 syllables!
The idea comes from Jacob wrestling with God (Genesis 32). He wouldn’t let go until God blessed him, but then God gave him a weakness for the rest of his life. We live in God’s favor and protection when we are stooped in weakness before God and others.
Not a bad Twitter feed. Now, maybe I should join Twitter!!