Christmas songs – December 22

A friend of mine, Wayne Gibson, and I decided a while ago to do an evening (OK, more like an hour’s worth) of Christmas music.  We enlisted my wife’s assistance and have been practicing this last little while.

Why?  Well, the message of Christmas is always relevant.  But there were other more subtle reasons.  We know that people are busy doing things for Christmas. 

This past week was “school presentation” week.  I’ve given up on trying to attend all, or sometimes any, of these great presentations.  Pack this time full with regular responsibilities and you are being transported or transporting people from one place to another like a river constantly flowing — and wishing the stream would freeze over so you could slow down for a minute.

And if you think this activiteness (a new word I just minted!) is just for those with kids.  Not so!  Two weeks ago seemed to be our “seniors supper” week.  Everyone seemed to have a dinner, or luncheon, or special presentation.  Every night of the week (a little exaggeration there, but not much).

And then December 21st hits.  The first day of winter.  The first day that seems to be free of the adrenalin that can distract us from the reason for the season.  For some there is still the preparation for Christmas day — but there is a one or two day window before you have to gear up for everyone who is coming.

That window (from what I can see) happens to fall on December 22nd this year.

That’s the day you just need to sit back in an informal setting, and hear Christmas music again for the very first time.

7:00 pm on Monday, December 22nd — the venue is the Kindersley Alliance Church on 74 West Road in Kindersley — the cost is negligible (which means — no cost!). 

Sing a few timeless carols — listen to some new Christmas music.  Wayne has a new song he wrote just this past week, I’ve got a song I wrote in the past year, and we have permission to use another song featured on the CBC radio Christmas music contest last year.  Add to that a bit more music, friends and family, and perhaps this window is the one you need to be peering through this year!!

Our advertising includes one poster at our local church!  This is a word of mouth thing — so if you know of someone who would enjoy this, let them know.  Feel free to use Facebook, or email, or phone, or . . .  Maybe even consider coming yourself.  Let me know if you are coming — I’ll make sure I have a chair set out just for you.

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