For the sake of a few

Our local ministerial (comprised of less than a dozen churches) provides a hymn sing each week at a local seniors complex.  The rotation allows for every six weeks or so running about an hour’s worth of singing. 

Thanksgiving Sunday was the day set for our church.  I have grown rather attached to these people.  As I looked over the list of residents who were visiting, the obvious was obvious.  This was a visiting day when most residents were away.  But, instead of canceling the singing time, my wife and I ventured over for the 7:00 meeting.

Two ladies greeted us, and so we just sat and chatted for a few moments of time.  As time continued, a few more came and we commenced some singing.  Then one or two ventured in and sat in the back.  Half way through, a few more stragglers came.  By the time we were done we had around 15 there.

Sometimes you wonder if a very few are enough.  In our coffee time following, one lady poured out her own frustrations and God searching.  Others sat and encouraged another.  Perhaps the after meeting is just as important as the singing time.  Put them both together, and for the sake of the few there is a reason to be there – and besides that, it’s just plain fun!!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Cheryl

    Wish we could have come, too! Let us know when the next one is!

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