Freedom 55

Yes, the Bible actually mentions Freedom 55!  And you thought it was only a marketing gimmick (and we now see parodies on it – Freedom 95, etc.)

Go to the last chapter of II Kings (25) and the last part (27-30).  Funny things you find as you do daily readings through the Bible.

Let’s start counting.  Back in 24:8 we are told that Jehoiachin was 18 years old.  He was dethroned quickly and led into captivity.  Now in 25:27 we are told he is in his 37th year of captivity. 

18 + 37 = 55!!

At 55 Jehoiachin is released from prison – given his FREEDOM.

At this point he is given a retirement allowance.  He got new clothes, he ate at the king’s table and he was given a place of status.

Interesting that  this is how II Kings ends.  So I skipped over to the book of Matthew and in the first chapter saw that Jehoiachin was in the lineage of Jesus Christ.  From Freedom to Freedom.  There may be a lesson in this??

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sue B.

    My husband was freed from his lifetime career to become an ordained minister at age 55.
    Of course that means, as far as an affordable retirement, we are now working on Freedom 107!

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