Income tax seems to live on!

I remember years ago reading that the Department of Agriculture began the income tax system back during the First World War.  I’ve tucked that in the back of my mind and some day I’ll even check up to see if its true.

But for the moment it makes a great story.  I had to phone the CRA today (Canada Revenue Agency for those not acquainted with the Canadian approach).  A previous employer had to amend my T4 (OK, that’s the form that tells what I earned and got deducted).  I was told to phone and confirm this so that a reassessment could be done.

Carol answered and guided me quite graciously through the system.  I only had to wait about 4 minutes to get off the automated system.  She said I could fill out at T1 (reassessment request).  But first I would have to have the amended T4 to send in with the T1.  I could do this on the website but would need my 9 digit SIN (Social Insurance Number).  Then, there is an 8 week wait period.

Or I can phone back in a few weeks once the proper documents have arrived in their office. 

Guess what I’m going to do?  Phone the Department of Agriculture next time I need to get my income tax straigthened out!!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Beryl

    Thuoght you would enjoy this memory, Ron and Jill. It was a standing joke that Ryonald and Joanne Marchand-Greenwood would meet on April 30th at midnight at the mailbox. Seemed to work until we were penalized for late-filing. Ryonald’s reponse: how was I to know they didn’t pick the mail up at midnight?

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