Logo for Life

You can put whatever background you want behind this logo.  You can put sunny days with flowers.  Or cloudy days with lightning strikes.  Or hospital beds.  Or family picnics.  Or life served good and bad.

Living with “Jesus in Me” over top of it all.

I’m finding this “Jesus in Me” adventure is just that – an adventure!  Now that I’ve turned 52, I feel like I’m back being 5 once again.  Learning anew what it means to accept Jesus into my life.  Day by day and hour by hour.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. MaryAnne Carter

    You are right. It is an adventure – pondering the ‘Jesus in me’ stirs up a fire to dig deeper and draw closer to our Lord.

    And the closer I get the more I realize that His ways are not my ways, and the cleansing of the heart while sometimes a struggle the beauty and joy of hoping to see more of Christ in me is freeing.

    Caught myself using ‘keeping on keeping on’ as I wrote a note to someone. Made me think again of how often we spark a turning point in someones life without ever knowing it.


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