Middle aged!

I used to think the older you got, the more you felt like you were just middle aged.  At 35, you aren’t 70 – thus middle aged.  When you are 50 a century is still a half century away.

This morning I’m in a group of middle aged children.  They figure finishing high school puts them right on the edge of eternity. 

Our Sunday School class is grades 4-7.  One young man has never understood the word quiet.  The five women are smiling and trying to do what is right.  The brain has good answers until you push for a definition.  The contortionist loves to skitter all over the classroom.

That’s my fun group – all of them just barely old enough to know everything, but certainly wise enough to think they do.  And middle aged! 

Now, since I’m a few years older than they, I wonder how they will survive the old age of 21?  Progressive memory – that’s what we need.  As we get older our understanding of age grows with us.  Until, as we approach our death, we do realize that we are just middle aged – when you consider we have eternity to still complete!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Cheryl

    So, which one is Andrew….the contortionist or the one who doesn’t understand quiet? 😉

  2. Susan B.

    Just one more confirmation that teaching children is no longer my gift! How did I do it when I was younger?? Oops, guess I am admitting I am now middle aged!

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