One toe over the line

Yesterday I’m seated in the chair.  A straight back chair. 

The exercise is called "scoop and plant".  We joking call it "scoop and poop".  Doing these exercises sure is a dog’s life.

The exercise requires that the leg is pulled back and planted.  Then you push forward, stretching . . and stretching . . . and stretching.

We put a line on the floor where the first plant happened.  After a few more attempts the line moved back a bit.  A slight bit of progress.

So, tomorrow morning I’ll go back to physio.  Hopefully the line gets moved a bit more — even if it is just one toe over the line.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Anonymous


    After reading your blog I think you must be a “Therapist” dream come true. I know most people rather sheppishly admit that they have not done as much as they should .Hope it pays off and you can run races real soon and very soon I hope Jill may be able to join you.


  2. Ron Baker

    Just as long as I don’t end up being someone’s nightmare! I guess it is best to listen and do what needs to be done – as hard as that may be!!

    So far so good, easy does it, and one step at a time – great cliches that really are true!!

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