Phoning tree!

Day’s off tend to be “on” days for the phone. 

Our son called from shipside – he could be home in a month or so.  Called a single mother who needs a washing machine.  Contacted two people with cancer.  Jill talked with a colleague in her “Kids in the Kitchen” program.

And all before the evening falls.

Some would call this interruption – I call it community.  Keep the conversation going!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. J.L.

    So I need a dryer and a fridge and a water softener – think you can make a few calls for me? Already taken care of:) But I know that if you were around you would have made a few calls!! Your ever caring, helpful and selfless disposition are only a very few of your gifts. I find I am greatly missing yours and Jills incredible musical gifts 🙂 Sounds like you are well immersed in the community already. Hope all is going well. Take care.


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