Powerpoint at the ready!

I’m having fun today as I prepare my sermon for Sunday.

The sermon will be shorter.  There are a number of prompters to worship besides the sermon.  So, I’m punching twice as much into the sermon — using additional powerpoint "oomph!"

What do I find so interesting?  Over the past few years I’ve taken a number of photographs.  This powerpoint will feature a number of those pictures.  People, things, landscapes, workshops — just the type of portraits that will hopefully give an added perspective. 

Tomorrow?  A final run through — revamping of the sermon script.  Possibly revamping the powerpoint.

By the way, have you heard of a new sport dubbed pecha-kucha (Japanese for “chatter”).  You use powerpoint:  a simple set of rules – exactly 20 slides displayed for 20 seconds each, for a total presentation time of 6 minutes and 40 seconds. 14 presenters going head to head in an evening "competition".  Might be something church youth groups could explore??

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