Repeat, Repeat, Repeat

Every generation feels like we are blazing a new trail.

We are.  Up to a point.  On the trail.

The point where we walk an old path is when we look at the rocks and foliage and sky.  The similarities to the past suddenly appear – in living colour. 

This is so with the current state of Western Christian ideals.  For the last few decades we have been quietly (and sometimes not so quietly) gone about exploring the culture’s current store of novelties.  This has happened in such varied areas as sexuality, or integrity, or even marketing.

Now we are at the state of calling for a council, a Diet, a creedal confession.  For those of you who look back as much as forward, you are already thinking such places as Constantinople, Wittenberg and even Worms.

The latest outpourings now come in online statements with signatories gained by electronic clicks.  Two that have come out most recently are:  The Nashville Statement:  a coalition for Biblical Sexuality; and A Reforming Catholic Confession:  A ‘mere’ protestant Statement of Faith to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

For others in the evangelical camp, you know of The Truth Project, and The Gospel Project, and who knows how many other projects designed to steer our education. 

Now we are into the affirming part of the mix.  To figure out how many of us are actually on the same side – because we have all been trying to live in the same camp for some time.

The next step will be the ‘Stand Firm, Hold Fast – here comes Trouble’ part.

Always the hardest part.

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