Slipping from the Net

These last few days have been away from my computer.

I’ve set up for a recording session for this evening.  The recording studio is basically contained in my laptop — which I bought recently to do just that!  My laptop, portable as it is and with wireless capability of the highest quality, does not have a wireless router nearby.  Thus, no connection to the world of the Net.

As well, I have been visiting, doing church administration, along with a myriad of other tasks.

So, I thought to myself, “Self”  — this idea of calling one’s self, “Self”, has been a practice from my youth that has never ceased to amuse me!! — So, I said to my self, “Self, all these other blogs I am reading are constantly linking to articles and amusements they have read on the Net.  How then shall I live?”

To which I replied — “If life is the internet, I am in trouble.”

Now, I know the bloggers I read also have a life — if you read their blogs you soon see this.  And they have RSS feeds to sort out the newest items from other’s blogs, instead of having to go to each one individually each day.  So they aren’t as deeply enmeshed as one might think!!

In my defense, I do enjoy surfing the Web.  My library background prepared me to do research in a labyrinth such as the Web.  In some ways, I am ideally suited to the Web. 

But today, and yesterday, and the day before  —  I slipped right out of the Net!

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