Those niggling memories

In grade school, I remember reading a story.

I’m not sure why the title stayed in my mind.  Perhaps it was the words of the title that were a little bigger than the usual “Tom, Dick and Harry” story.


After many decades the title is as fresh as ever.  However, the story is not.

So I headed out on a search for the story. 

I’m so thankful for the age of technology.  In a search engine I typed in the title of the story.  After scrolling through a number of irrelevant search items, I came to the words I was looking for.

The story was contained in a book called “All Sails Set.”  The description of the book mentioned that “All Sails Set” was a Grade Six reader written in 1948 and used throughout the 1950’s and into the 1960’s.  The content of the book was said to contain “higher moral values”.

Supposedly there are very few original copies available, although I would think with all the schools that used the reader, there would be more.  One enterprising book seller listed the volume at $5,000 for a pristine copy.

I was not about to pay $5,000.  All I wanted was the text to the story I had read as a kid. 

I checked out information on the publisher. 

Copp Clark is now a financial firm – their publishing now deals with their current concerns and they are no longer a general book publisher. 

In the midst of my search I did find that the old archives of Copp Clark  (when they were a general book publisher) are housed at McMaster University.  I contacted the archives and am now, hopefully, in the last part of my search.

Stay tuned.

This Post Has 21 Comments

  1. Bren Keenan

    I loved that story. In a nutshell it was about seeing life from another person’s point of view…. Walking a mile in another’s moccasins. I remember the picture of Carla with her grandfather in his kitchen gnat accompanied the story. Like you I cannot remember the actual story just the moral lesson. ?

  2. Mel lantz

    I also am looking for the story content . As you have said , the story title is remarkably unforgettable . And would like to read again .. I am now 69 years of age . But I have thought about and said those words many times ” Circumstances alter Carla”

  3. Jack Robertson

    My wife and I say the title often. I think the story was about a young girl who had to leave the city and go to the country . . . big change that she hated at first but over time came to love. I goggled it also and found your site.


    Just sold a pristine copy on Amazon, for $48. Oh well.
    I was fun seeing those stories again.

  5. Ruth Merrill

    Interesting – that story has been on my mind forever and I am in my 70’s.
    I just read (book, also a movie) Brooklyn by C. Toibin.. and it made me think of Circumstances altar Carla. I know the title but could not remember the story. Finally I looked it up and here I am in the same boat with you all. it is hilarious!


    I think about that story from time to time. Carla loved to make pottery. But having to move to the country changed her life immensely (what she thought at first was for the worse). She missed her life in the city and her pottery lessons. BUT as many of us has learned ,what seemed like very difficult situations, turned out to teach us valuable life lessons. The elderly gentleman she met was a master Potter from Europe and was able to teach her superb techniques in pottery..
    Read that story in school 60 years ago . Not sure if I got the details right but remembered the moral lesson.

  7. Noreen Bell

    I was thinking about this story today and I am 71……it left a lasting impression on me and I think probably gave me a huge gift to carry thought my life.
    I have ordered the whole book from Amazon……just a great time to refresh some good memories from my childhood on the Canadian Prairies.

  8. Marjorie

    I have a copy of All SailsSet in great condition purchased at a children’s hospital book sale for $6:00 in Winnipeg. When I was in grade six the question on my exam was “what were the circumstances that altered Carla”? I had no clue as I had obviously neglected my homework reading. At the age of 70+, roaring with laughter, I told the vendor I had to purchase the book so I could pass my grade 6 English exam. This book also contains the gruesome “The Yarn of the Nancy Bell”. My siblings and I have enjoyed our memories of grade 6 in the village of Lowe Farm Manitoba.

  9. Craig Powell

    I am writing a children’s book and was discussing with my friend and illustrator about perceptions misleading us. I thought of Circumstances alter Carla. I remember the story a little better with the help of everyone’s comments. I think I do remember the ending: her grandmother reminds her “circumstances alter cases” and Carla replies that this time “circumstances altered Carla!”

  10. Gordon mcleod

    I have remembered all my life – 80 years- the message of “Circumstances Alter Carla”. It is so true that our cultural life experiences shape us in amazing ways. I grew up in a loving rural community in Saskatchewan and it taught me many values that “hold fast” to to this day. One of my interests is the Hitler regime in Germany. How different would I be if I was brought up in the cultural environment of Hitlerism , being a member of the Hitler Youth and had parents, neighbours , a school system and virtually every input into my young mind based on the horrors of Hitlers atrocious and twisted mind. I would love to hear how Carlas story affected their thinking and there life. Would also love to have a copy of the original story. Can anyone help me with this.
    Gordon Mcleod. Phone # 780 9889792. Email –

  11. Herb Solem

    I remember that the old gentleman’s name was Jaroslav Andreiko (spelling uncertain). The name has stayed with me for seventy years or so.

    1. Stephanie Ford Forrester

      Hello Herb: A question from the past perhaps but are you the Herb S. who was a friend of Wayne Sorge in Toronto at U of T Library in the late 60’s?

  12. Iv Kane

    It is many years after your original post. I am 67 years old and I, like so many in the earlier posts, have had that title in my head for years. It is so interesting that that title has stayed with so many people. I have used the title as a saying for many years when circumstances have changed for me or my family. Seeing your post and all the following posts has been a great walk down memory lane. Thanks for that.

  13. Stephanie Ford Forrester

    Hello Herb: A question from the past perhaps but are you the Herb S. who was a friend of Wayne Sorge in Toronto at U of T Library in the late 60’s?

  14. Abram

    This story often comes to me, but I never realized how many people it affected. So I decided to look it up today for the first time, and I am amazed , I guess I’m not alone.

  15. Abram Friesen

    This story often comes to me, but I never realized how many people it affected. So I decided to look it up today for the first time, and I am amazed , I guess I’m not alone.

  16. M. erb

    I remember it too.. I am 73, read it in grades 5 or 6. Would like to have a copy .. anyone have ideas on how?

  17. Sybille Stahl

    I’m 71, and remember this story from a book left behind in a schoolhouse my dad bought and renovated. It was memorable to me because Carla gets a pottery wheel as a farewell gift from her class when she has to move, and I desperately wanted a pottery wheel. I have three now. I’m a potter.

  18. Bill Mankinen

    A 1950’s Ontario public school reader contained an essay entitled “Circumstances Alter Carla” and as I remember it, it described country life on a summer vacation visit of young girl to a family “farm” in Argentina. After reading the above comments, where nobody references Argentina, I wonder if I have confused the essay with another one in the reader. Nevertheless, it was a story that’s remained with me, like with the originator of this post; I am now an 80 year old, also with the encumbrance of memories. What spurred me to look this up was info about the new president of Argentina and his attempt to fix their economic situation. I remember we thought of the country in the 50’s as rich in culture, and especially resources. The description of the “pampas” and of the local cowboys (what were they called in Spanish?, gauchos maybe), and maybe even about Patagonia, was exciting, and has stayed with me ever since, although I only got as far south as Costa Rica in the Americas. However, I made it to Africa. …BTW: I remember the first line of our Grade 10 french book, “je suis un de ces Normands qui n’aime pas depense (accent acute) leur argent.” How’s that?

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