Teen Challenge

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Tonight was a story of release from drug addiction.

Teen Challenge is a faith based international drug addiction rehabilitation program.  A high result rate – in the 80% range.  Six men were there who have been in or through the program.  The regional director, Serge LeClerc, also came.

My impression, as I write this a 11:00 in the evening?

There is a youth and even adult culture which too easily succumbs to drugs.  And it’s not the "down and outs".  How do we prevent this — from both a governmental and a church base?  Certainly we as the church need to actively seek out youth.  As a government we need to allow faith based programs to function with our blessing, if not our dollars.

I’m sure there is more to consider, but right now I’m off to bed!!

How we think!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

This morning I’m opening the brown sugar container.

There is a label on the outside.  Two containers look exactly the same so I always look for the label.

As I’m opening the container, I’m still looking to see the label.  Finally, I’m staring at the contents.  My mind is still asking — "Is this brown sugar?".  My head is swivelling, twisting to see the label on the other side.

And right in front of my eyes?  Brown sugar inside the container.  Right in plain sight!

I guess we think a label is better than the real thing!!

In a perfect world

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Pastors do not live in a perfect world.

This past week alone, talking face to face and across the wires (and probably wireless for some), I’ve spoken to a few of "us".  This morning was another of those encounters.

The complaints are not so much acrimonious.  In fact, the talk has been more heart heavy than bitter. 

You see, a pastor has a flock.

In current day, that is an unheard term.  Who, in North America, tends a flock.  Percentage wise the number is miniscule.  And of those who tend flocks, technology can pinpoint those needing care — it can even trace where a lost sheep goes so that a sheep is never technically lost!.

The biblical picture of the shepherd can be lost on us.  But now, picture someone who is given care of people.  Not of numbers.  But of people.  They care with their heart — not through their computer sofware management programs.

A computer does not feel, does not truly sense loss and longing — longing for growth and nourishment  for each one in their care.

In a perfect world growth and nourishment would be constantly increasing. 

In a perfect world the shepherd would never be wounded or disparaged by the flock.  Both would work together in harmony and fulfilment.

In a perfect world we wouldn’t need prayer.  All would be as it should be, and intercession would be unnecessary.

Pastors prize prayers.  Prayers sit on our "encouragement" shelf.  We love to watch as God answers.  People grow and are nourished.  We sing and dance! 

I’ve "seen" some of that singing and dancing this week as well — so please, keep those prayers rolling!!

Programs in progress

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

In the midst of a cold (see previous entry), I enjoyed two events.

One is our XYZ — our seniors monthly luncheon.  Great music from Marilyn Stevenson — dedicated to her mother.  One of the ladies came up to her afterwards and profusely thanked her.  The one song was a reminder to Marilyn of water falls in Yosemite.  This lady had been there with her husband —  who has since passed on.

Sometimes the strangest intersections can bring good reminders of a life already past.

In the evening we were together with our Grades 5-7 group. They are always lively — and tonight was no exception.  12 will start the year off — and I expect others will join them.  Laughs and giggles are all a part of the game (from the girls side!).  The guys are out to prove their athletic prowess.  And I just get to sit back and watch

If one must endure a cold. . . let it be in this type of activity!!