Death, friends and fellow-ship

One of our friends died today.  We had come to know Harry Piluk in the past few years.  Some of that time was spent in enjoyable conversation, the last few years he lived in the fog of memories that he couldn’t quite put together.

We spent noon with the family, eating Kentucky Fried Chicken and discussing plans.  Tonight, some of the family are with us, using our basement for a place to sleep and relax.

We all live on this earth as travellers.  Harry was known for his coffee times at Dairy Queen, for his walks down the street constantly being interrupted by friends, and for his hard work and cribbage games.  His ship of life had a gangplank for others – I like to think that this was the way he encouraged others to fellow-ship with him.

The funeral is at 2:00 on Wednesday.  You are invited to join the family for this celebration of life and as a reminder of the greater life yet to come – a life Harry is enjoying now!

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